Association For Outsourcing Professionals Of Nigeria
Association For Outsourcing Professionals Of Nigeria
We are a platform for creating professionals and institutionalizing professionalism in the practice of outsourcing.
Following the Bridges across Borders Conference organised by the International Trade Centre and various African service sector associations in October 2008 which aimed to highlight internationally agreed outsourceable service requirements and offerings from an African perspective as well as allow national service associations network, exchange market information and promote partnerships, the need to have a formal Nigerian representative Outsourcing association was borne.
The conference highlighted the need to ensure African countries were positioned to create a competitive business environment so that local providers could take advantage of the global BPO/ITO trend.
To this end and following the confirmed interest of various individuals and organisations present at the association the road towards the registration of Nigeria’s outsourcing association began.
Association of Outsourcing Professionals of Nigeria (AOPN) was registered in 2009 and it is the only recognised association of outsourcers in Nigeria by the African Outsourcing Association (AOA)
Though Association of Outsourcing Professionals of Nigeria (AOPN) is a not for profit organisation, nonetheless, it is an extended enterprise platform that both local and global companies (Outsourcing service buyer) can select/combine services provided by AOPN members towards resolving business challenges at the right quality and cost.
Our Strategic Objectives; AOPN exist to:
Institutionalize professional practice standards.
Promote compliance with ethics of the profession.
Build and strengthen outsourcing support capacity of practitioners.
Engage government and promote legislation that positively impact the outsourcing industry and practitioners.